Hi gang hope all is well. We made it back ok Left at 7:00am got in at 7:00pm. Rain, rain, and more rain all the way to outside of Nashville Tenn. I had to push to make up time. We saw flocks of geese everywhere except in Bama. Large flocks I have never seen that many flying together. It was neat my webfeet felt at home!
The trip was good but we know better than traveling north in the winter. We would have been fine if my wife had not insisted on spending the night in Kentucky. I normally drive stright through. She thought with my health I would over do it. Little did we know that stop, was the worst thing we could have done.
Every one is fine, great-grandkids growing like weeds, and all three had a cold. Including their dad. My daughter had a great birthday the first time we have been together for her birthday in years. Her two sons still live at home and are quite happy there! They know how expensive it is to be on your on. So they are staying put. Neither has meat Miss Right yet. Jerry is 25 and Chris is 23.
Well any way like the little lady with the glass slippers said, there’s know place like HOME!
Thought for the day my granpa use to say son, if parting is such sweet sorrow do you have to cry!