Crud update
A week ago today my wife came down sick, then it was me three greatgrand- kids and my son. He wound up having to go to the hospital having sharp pains in his chest. They kept him over night pumped him full of antibiotics and fluids. His heart checked ok. They feel he pulled a chest muscle heaving so much. I brought him home today but he will not return to work until Monday.
This has been a bad virus! I was still weak from the flu when this thing hit. It took it's tool on me. I still don't feel that good. Weak and short winded. I haven't been to the gem in three weeks. I have started walking Buddy two miles a day weather permitting, not much but better than nothing.
My yard work has been on hold. My son screwed up my lawn mower so grass in front hasn't been cut. I did cut the back with a push mower. Sears will be out today and hopefully get the rider back up and going. Out back I'm down to a about a fifty by fifty foot section to clear and I will be caught up. Course every thing needs cutting now. I can hear the weeds grow! LOL!
We will start finding homes for the kittens next week. Two have been spoken far. I want to keep the two bob tails but may only keep one. I got a few pics of the kittens and the front flower garden...
This is Butch L and Midnight R.
Oliver and Lucky
Oliver and Butch
The kitty Family
Kittens mom who goes to the Vet Monday to be fixed!
Front flower garden
I hope every one is prepairing for a great weekend!
A week ago today my wife came down sick, then it was me three greatgrand- kids and my son. He wound up having to go to the hospital having sharp pains in his chest. They kept him over night pumped him full of antibiotics and fluids. His heart checked ok. They feel he pulled a chest muscle heaving so much. I brought him home today but he will not return to work until Monday.
This has been a bad virus! I was still weak from the flu when this thing hit. It took it's tool on me. I still don't feel that good. Weak and short winded. I haven't been to the gem in three weeks. I have started walking Buddy two miles a day weather permitting, not much but better than nothing.
My yard work has been on hold. My son screwed up my lawn mower so grass in front hasn't been cut. I did cut the back with a push mower. Sears will be out today and hopefully get the rider back up and going. Out back I'm down to a about a fifty by fifty foot section to clear and I will be caught up. Course every thing needs cutting now. I can hear the weeds grow! LOL!
We will start finding homes for the kittens next week. Two have been spoken far. I want to keep the two bob tails but may only keep one. I got a few pics of the kittens and the front flower garden...
This is Butch L and Midnight R.
Oliver and Lucky
Oliver and Butch
The kitty Family
Kittens mom who goes to the Vet Monday to be fixed!
Front flower garden
I hope every one is prepairing for a great weekend!